Live Masterclass for Entrepreneurs

The 4 Make or Break Keys to Business Building Success

How to Build, Launch and Grow a Solid Business Without the Constant Overwhelm, Confusion or Perpetually Feeling Stuck

In This Masterclass, you'll learn:


A must-do, before you prioritize anything else

When you're building a business, it's easy to get distracted by all. the. things. You'll want to make sure you start here.


An exercise that gets the biggest “WHOA!” from newbie entrepreneurs

"I see now!" and "Wow, this answers so many of my questions." I hear this on the regular, and I can't wait to explore this framework with you!


A hidden gem you’ll be glad you focused on early in the game

Real talk: much of what's needed to build a thriving business isn't sexy. But nailing this key step will be a game-changer as you scale your brand.


A reframing of how to connect best with your customers

Every brand is unique. As is its audience. So instead of the do-what-I-see-done approach, let's learn what's needed to grow your specific brand.

"I loved connecting with Bird. Her four-step process taught me how to build a stronger foundation for my business. She has great energy and actually cares about you winning 🙌🏾"

Ben Kenyon
CEO, Great Day Squad

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

- Mark Twain

I help you get unstuck. Launching or growing a business can feel utterly overwhelming, but it's not as daunting when you know where to focus and have a step-by-step framework. 

Join me in this masterclass to learn what it takes to build a better brand. One that brings you freedom, flexibility and fulfillment.

Let's not look back a year from now wishing we would have started today.

A Word From Bird...

I've been an entrepreneur since 2013, and it just keeps getting better.

Multiple businesses and hundreds of clients later, I've discovered fundamental ways to simplify, strategize and streamline complex problems. 

And I'm ready to share with you four of my most powerful revelations in this masterclass. Let's do this!